Honeywell CM67NG Replacement Thermostat

Honeywell CM67NG Replacement. The Honeywell CM67NG is a great old school 7-Day programmable digital thermostat that can be picked up really cheap these days on websites like eBay UK. It has lots of features, like auto, manual, copy etc. It even has the function to be able to offer up 6, yes six on / off cycles each day. But if you're here looking for a replacement for this model, you more than likely know what this programmer is capable of and just want to know what the best replacement is for the Honeywell CM67NG.


Widely Available Replacement: The Honeywell CM707


The best replacement for this model is the Honeywell CM927. This model has become rather difficult to find for sale online, unless buying in used condition. If that is the case, and you can't buy a 927, you can also swap the Chronotherm CM67NG with the Honeywell CM707 without much hassle. They generally have the same wiring setup. You can also replace the Honeywell CM51 with the CM 707. 

Looking for the Honeywell Chronotherm CM67 manual / installation / wiring diagram? You can read / download the PDF here.

Honeywell cm67 user guide | Honeywell chronotherm cm67 manual | Honeywell cm67 replacement